Wednesday, March 30, 2011

So stupid to think you really want to help...

If I have a gun, I shoot you sharply on your chest through your heart, you dumb-ass!
And stop appear in front of me with your not-so-sweet-face and not-so-sweet-talk!

Monday, March 28, 2011


"Politic is some sort of dangerous adventure." As one of my beloved friend said to me when I ask about something terrible that happen to my hubby beberapa minggu kebelakangan ini.

Ya. Banyak perkara yang berlaku kebelakangan ini. Terlalu banyak. Each one of it beri kesan terhadap perjalanan hidup kami (me & hubby); mengubah persepsi terhadap orang-orang yang berada di sekeliling kami.

Along that, I've lost trust & respect towards certain people. Orang kita ingatkan selama ini yang menyokong dan ingin membantu. But, apparently his intention was... to used others as his stepping stones.

Betul-betul tak sangka!

Sampaikan aku rasa sangat bersalah terhadap my husband. Iyalah, if it is not me who ask him to help, tentu dia bahagia kat tempat lama dia. Tentu perkara-perkara seperti sekarang ini tidak berlaku. For sure we don't have to face this kind of problem; masalah yang telah memburukkan reputasi dan kredebiliti dia.

I didn't foresee that. Or maybe, I just couldn't believe what others has told me until it really happened to us. And it happened.

Lesson learned. Pengajaran yang telah merobek reputasi, kredibiliti dan maruah dia. Pengajaran yang telah mengkucar-kacirkan perjalanan hidup kami. Pengajaran yang telah mengganggu-gugat emosi kami. No, it is not about third party in our lovely-marriage life. Sumpah. Lillahi-Ta'ala.

Ianya berkenaan sesuatu yang tidak boleh dinyatakan di sini. Cukuplah kalau hanya aku tahu, kami tahu, kamu tahu, Allah tahu.

And abang, I'm sorry. I didn't think that, that man could do so much damaged on you, psychologically & emotionally. Sabar dan yakinlah bahawa Allah sedang merencanakan sesuatu untuk kita, insya-Allah. Amin.

Word of wisdom:
People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


A dear friend ask:
What should he do if his boss is actually a backstabber who tried to kill his career.

Another dear friend suggest:
Resign ASAP or ask for transfer. But, govt. sector doesn't give u so much choice, don't they?

What say you?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Gerak Hati

Tiba-tiba aku rasa seperti aku dah tak pandai menulis. Eh, mengarang sebenarnya. Penggunaan bahasa yang betul. Hihihihi... tiba-tiba!

Mungkin sebab dah lama kot aku tak menggunakan gerak hati. Atau aku semakin tidak pandai mendengar suara hati sendiri?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

BN Menang!

Congratulations to all candidates.

Yes. The majority has increase. A lot! But, that doesn't mean the winner takes all.

Still. N27 representative have to tackle more than 1,700 voters. Mostly Chinese voters.

As for N28 representative, he have to deal with Malay voters.

Friday, March 4, 2011

For his own good.

Kami capai kata sepakat.
Demi kebaikan.
Walau dengan separuh hati.
Si dia kembali semula ke daerah.

Mahu tidak.
Tiada lagi kawan makan.
Tiada lagi kawan gaduh.
Tiada lagi kawan tidur.

Hampir 3 tahun.
Hanya 10 bulan.
Dia di sana.
Aku di sini.

Doakan terbaik untuk kami.